One Perk of Being a Freelancer

If there’s one thing I love about being a freelancer, it’s the ability to test your boundaries, challenge yourself, and do something a little different. So, when National Geographic asked me to try my hand at writing a review for the new NBC comedy show, “Welcome to Sweden,” I thought . . . why not?

Now, you might be wondering what qualifies me (a researcher and visual journalist) to review a television show. Well, if leaving my full time job in 2012 and starting my own freelance business weren’t enough change, earlier this year my husband and I decided to follow his job and move to Sweden. You know, just to round things out. Thus, Nat Geo thought I might have a unique perspective on what the show gets right/wrong. 

The result can be found here. Read, comment, and share as you like – preferably with coffee and a cinnamon bun.  

Amy and Greg Poehler discuss their cross cultural comedy “Welcome to Sweden.” Image courtesy NBC Universal

Amy and Greg Poehler discuss their cross cultural comedy “Welcome to Sweden.” Image courtesy NBC Universal
