Malofiej 21, an afterword . . .


This year I attended the 21st installment of Malofiej as a jury member and speaker. Others in attendance have already posted recaps (see Jen Christiansen’s “Behind the curtain at Malofiej” or Al Shaw’s “Between Human and Machine: Thoughts on Malofiej . . . “) so I'll refrain from a full summation of events here. Suffice it to say, it was one of the most amazing and thought provoking experiences of my life.

To my fellow jury members - I owe you a debt of gratitude. It was an honor and a pleasure sharing a week with you discussing the work of incredibly talented people from all over the world. And here I use the word "discussing" deliberately. Though we were charged with judging information graphics and handing out medals, the four days of viewing more than a thousand entries never felt . . . judgmental. Insightful comments, careful deliberation, and thoughtful debates abounded. Sure, some decisions were easier than others, but there was always an appreciation and understanding of the effort that went in to each graphic, chart, map, illustration, etc. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to meet, and learn from, each of you.

To all those who submitted entries – what an inspiration! The depth and breadth of topics covered was incredible. From local interest pieces to global news stories, we saw graphics focusing on science, pop culture, breaking news, history, the environment, politics – anything you can think of that would benefit from a visual display of information. When content and design meshed seamlessly, we moved it into medal contention. And when we couldn’t think of a way to improve it, we gave it a gold.  In the end, everyone receiving an award – whether it be gold, silver, or bronze – should be congratulated for a job well done.

See the complete list of all the winners of Malofiej 21 here.  

View a short, behind the scenes, video of Malofiej 21 here.

